We guarantee you'll love it!

Sure, we think we are pretty great, but we want to make sure you are absolutely satisfied with your StudioPlus Software experience! Take a look at some of our top guarantees below.

Free Fish Guarantee

You will be up and running with the software in 2 weeks!

Is it better to teach someone to fish rather than give them a fish? In this case, we think it’s better to give free fish than teach someone how to fish. We want to teach you how to fish on the important things, but still give you the fish on the little details. You can learn those later.

You will be up and running with the software in 2 weeks. If you fill out our starter worksheet, your database will be set up for you within 2 weeks. If not, we’ll give you $50 to buy as much fresh fish as you want. Or other, more exciting things!

Seven days to claim guarantee after initial 2 weeks. Guarantee does not apply to external integrations.

PB & J Guarantee

Peanut Butter & Jelly, Avocado & Toast, Pineapple & Pizza- They are meant to be!

If after 3 months, you’re still not convinced we’re perfect for each other (and you’ve completed our training checklist), we’ll give you your money back. 

Beyond the initial 3 months, you can cancel anytime – There’s no contract or hidden fees. 

We only want what’s best for you and your business!

Time = Money Guarantee

We utilize the highest quality cloud servers to keep your data online at all times, but occasionally things happen that are beyond our control!

Server outages are very rare and are often resolved quickly. So if you are locked out of your data for more than 48 consecutive hours due to a server outage on our end, we’ll credit your account $50 to help make up for lost time.  

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See what myStratus could do for you.

Book a demo with one of our myStratus coaches to see how we can help you to grow your business.